Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Little Update

The last post dealt with a new job opportunity. This project has been pushed back several times and I am doing what I need to do to be a dad and run a business while the so called brains get their act together. I was asked to speak in October to the Colorado Dads organization in Colorado Springs. Here is the link to the website and click on “events” to see what the convention is all about. Please also book mark this website as well I am thinking to have Connor do my introduction on video for the event.

This has been wonderful these days working on a business that I hope will create a lasting legacy for Connor and who knows maybe my speaking will spark interest that someday he will tell his story. I have also had the opportunity to spend time in Connor’s school. I started last Friday to help out the school’s gym teacher MR. Josh L, and talk about a passion for helping kids become happier and physically fit Josh is the man! He has such a command of the kids no matter the grade. I really got a kick watching him teach the kindergartner kids. Having them be planes to their favorite animals but the bottom line was to get moving and I learned so much from his classes. This Friday I will also be in Connor’s class to read to them. I get to pick out the books and one book that I am going to read to them is a chapter from Og Mandino’s book “The World Greatest Salesman.” Connor and I talked about other books that I am going to bring that have pictures.

Now as far as my business these days, I am still working with Chris and Fett Marketing these days. The business plan is starting to come together and I spoke to a local Optimist club this week where I did video tape it. Please contact me at and I will send you the demo I created from that talk. This business is a lot of fun because I get to meet new people every week and I like to serve them with my message. I am also working with an organization called “The Brotherhood of Extraordinary Men” and the website is Please check this one out as well or if you have questions please contact me.

I have to tell you that life is great; well wish I was playing more hockey. I hope you enjoy your day and please remember that I am here for you and let me know what I can do. I will leave you with something I just learned and that is Life=Risk.