Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Divorced Dad's Journey

A Divorced Dad’s Journey is the title because it has been a struggle and I want to share not only what it has been like but what changes I have made to my inner self since being divorced. Like several of you dad’s out there, you did not expect to be single again. I for one heard the stories and read the statistics of not only getting married with the divorce rate, but if your parents were divorced you have a high chance as well. I said throw out the stats and bring on the marriage. WOW I was wrong but the positive spin to this was having my son Connor and the happiness he has brought to my world.

The picture you see is of three generations; my dad, my son, and me. This is a special picture to me because it represents Connor’s first trip to my home city of Chicago. It was also our first trip together on an airplane. He had been on trips with his mom however I had at that time a very hectic travel schedule. Anyway that is why I have chosen this picture for the blog.

I look forward to writing about the mistakes that I have made while trying to be a parent and also share being a child of divorce to let you know what I went through growing up in that environment. I also want to talk to about even though I do live very close to my son, over the past two years I traveled for my job Sunday’s-Friday’s so there were many moments that I missed out on do to that crazy schedule. One other aspect I want to discuss is the relationship that I have with my parents. My mom had to play both roles and it was not until later in life where my dad and I connected. However my relationship with both of them had good and bad times but I can honestly say I won the lottery with these two amazing people. I also have to include another member of the family and that is my step-dad who is also a parent but is my hero when it comes to pre bedtime naps.

I want to leave you with one tip that I got from watching the DVD “The Secret” and that is to keep a small rock in your pocket. Connor gave me this rock one day at his school when I was spending the day there volunteering. I kept that rock in my pocket when I was at work and if I was having a bad day. I would then just put my hand in my pocket and think of Connor and it would change my down mood with a smile on my face. I currently take the rock with me when I go on job interviews to help me keep calm.

Well there you have it and thank you for coming by to check this blog out and I hope you keep coming back each week. You can also follow me on Twitter to see when I have a new post not only to this blog but the others I currently write. Have a great day anytime you are with your kids and remember one little piece of advice and that is they did not asked to be brought into this world so love who they are.

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