Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm back!!!!!!!!!

On December 6, 2010 I posted that all of the blogging stuff was going to the new website, well it did not happen due to investing money into a site that will not see the light of day; more on that later. I  had many changes in my life since the last posting and want to take the time to talk to you about them.

In 2010 I was still out of work until February of this year and well as of today back to being out of work. I would actually say then the employment situation did not really change a whole heck a lot. What has changed is that I have been dating someone and she has two daughters. I did not know how this was going to workout with Connor and having a relationship where other kids are also involved. To see if the kids would get along my girlfriend Ann and I met at a outdoor skating rink to see how all of us would interact with each other. I am very HAPPY to say that the experiment worked. Today the kids get along like brother and sisters.

My goal is to run my own business, hold on let me rephrase that and say my goal is to own a successful and profitable business. I am learning that my brain is very right sided (creative side) VS the left side (analytical). This means that I am not a business minded person rather the creative focus or as some would say the “dreamer.” My investment into a new website has come up empty and not going to go into many details other to say I know what I am good at. I am good at keeping things simple and that is why I am comfortable using this Blogger site then a Word Press site. Will there ever be a true website? Yes once I can fund it and have control over it. The same attitude goes when it comes to a Face Book page again wanting it to be done the right way. The right way to me is having knowledgeable people design it. Ok so we now know that I am not a business minded person and yes I am the one person I think still left that does not have a FB account. Moving on.

The new hockey season has started for Connor and that is AWESOME because this means that I get to see him pretty much every weekend until the end of the season and that is around March. What is not awesome but only bothers me because I was lied to and really it is only my business since this change somewhat effects Connor. Last week Connor told me that his mom is getting remarried next month. I had asked her months ago about why she and the boyfriend were wearing rings on fingers? I asked if they were engaged and I was screamed at about how she did not want to get married again. Again being lied to was what really (really) bothered me. Connor and I sat down to talk about if he had any questions or wanted to say anything at all about his mom getting married. He said he was good and I believe him. Anyway HOCKEY!!!!

46 hours every other weekend is not a lot of time to spend with Connor and I will do my best to share ideas of what we have done to make that time quality time. I do not want to be accused of being a “Disneyland dad” but once in a while it is ok. Plus I want to offer tips either from myself or other dads on how they spend time with their kids. I will promise that I will make this blog better then it was before a sort of 2.0 version and I do want to make it very interactive with you as well. The fire is in me to post and I do dream that this will be a stepping stone to help others and make a reality of coming to your area to speak on dads topics or co-parenting as well. As always thank you for stopping by and reading my post. Please let me know your thoughts about the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. Keep it up. It isn't always easy to write, but to keep doing it will only make you better at it.

    As for your ex-wife, remember that you cannot control what she says or does, but you can control how you respond to her. Continue to take the high road, and you will (continue) to prove that you are a better person.

    But don't give up your rights!
