Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Relocation (I pray it is NOT)

I have seen and heard many stories of bad divorces where the children get placed into the middle. I USED to be grateful that my divorce was amicable and not having to go through the court system, until now. Being Connors dad I want the best (like most parents) for him and never wanted his world to be rocked because of disagreements between his mother and me. All of this has changed.

Monday morning I received an email from my former wife that she wants to relocate out of state. I never saw this coming and nor did I EVER think this was going to happen! I feel that I am about to loose my son. This is not going to be a easy time for Connor or me because if he does move or not move.

If I he does move the whole getting to see him is going to be a challenge. If he does not move is he going to hate me? I will keep you posted.


I am so proud of watching Connor learning and playing goalie this season. Plus the head coach has asked me to help Connor and the other goalie so a win/win. I love getting to be on the ice with the kids and the other coaches. I hope this will be the year that I get my USA Hockey coaching card. When I meet dads and they talk about coaching their kids in a variety of sports, I could not relate until now. I think it is so cool to be able to be a mentor to my son and I guess for me it was a more of a jealous thing. What I mean is that I watched other dads coach and be able to create a special bond that kids do not forget. If this is the only season I get to coach Connor it will always be a special time for me. If it is last then I know that next hockey season I will still help out the coaches. I just pray that this is not my last coaching chance with Connor.

Comments, questions or verbal abuse send them to me @ thomasmaloneyjr@yahoo.com

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