Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chicago 2010 day two

Day two and that Mad Men marathon was my Achilles heal. Stayed up until 1 AM watching it and was hoping to sleep in some. Well when a 7 year old wants to get to the Chicago Lego store because he was promised LAST YEAR well there is no such thing as sleep. Well my dad made us breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast because we were going to go for a good walk today. Chicago in the Summer time is great to people watch but OMG Connor wanted a piggy back ride in this heat. So as I was giving Connor his piggy back ride we got to a beach part near the famous Oak Street beach, and he wanted to go a look for rocks. The water was cold but he did not care. Plus it was a great little break for him. Well once we arrived to the Lego store Connor was on a mission to find the right set. It really did not take him long to find a $130 set (courtesy of grand pa) but it was to big to fit in a suite case so we had it shipped. Connor selected a train set and I can not wait for him and me to work on it back home. He said that he will do the whole thing all by himself so we will see what happens in a couple of weeks when we are together again. After we were in the Lego store we found a store where I could get some Chicago Blackhawks stuff and boy did I. Connor got a new Patrick Kane jersey and a Blackhawks wallet, and yes his grandfather and I put some money in it to start his dollar bill collection. Finally after shopping we headed back home and I needed a little nap. Dad barbequed burgers for Connor and me while my dad and his girl friend Rosie had Salmon burgers. 8:55 PM we were on a bus to go and get ice cream, no really it is home made stuff. Well over all I have eaten WAY to much and I have a bet with Connor that if I gain weight this week he will get five dollars. I might as well pay him in the morning.

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