Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 4 of Chicago tour 2010 a little bit of chillaxing

I need to work on my time management skills so I can have homework done in the morning and that would give me more time to get my blog posted. That way I am not going to bed at 1 AM every night. Well enough of that today was a Chilllaxing day. It was over 100 degrees and plus the humidity so we just stayed in the crib and chilled and relaxed=chillaxing. Connor has never seen the movie “Wizard of Oz” so we watched that today and that was it as far as entertainment today. My dad, Connor, and I ate at a pizza (I know pizza in Chicago?) place that we went to a couple of times last year called Rocco’s. We all had thin crust pizza and I did not think it was as good as I remembered it from last year. Then when we came home Connor was ready for bed, I guess he needed the day off of doing stuff as well. The movie that my dad, his girl friend, and I watched was a classic one that I have never seen but always wanted to “12 Angry Men.” Please go out and buy this movie because it has such a great cast so just do it and as Connor would say “Do it for the children” I have no clue why he says it but it is funny when he does. Well yes I am still VERY sun burnt so thank you for asking. Well Friday Connor and I are headed to see the Cub’s play so looking forward to that. Nothing like true baseball on the North side of Chicago and yes I am currently aware that the Cubs as of today are 9.5 games out and that south side team is in first. However there is still baseball to be played. So until Friday night when I write how great the game was and how the Cub’s won later.

1 comment:

  1. I am very glad that you and Connor had a great time in Chicago.I know that we did too.
    I am following the blog, and just have one question re:sunburn remedy, is "goat of aloe" similar to "eye of newt" and does it work?
    the other part-time dad.
