Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chicago world tour 2010 To much sun

All I can say right now is OUCH!! I made sure Connor had plenty of sun screen today on for day three of the Chicago 2010 vacation and well I must of forgotten to put some on me. Today we headed to Woodstock Illinois to see my Aunt Nancy and her husband David. Oh and if you do read this please leave a birthday wish for Nancy because Thursday is her birthday. I also need to mention something about Woodstock (no not Snoopy’s friend) and that is this; the movie Groundhog Day was filmed there so there you go a little trivia for you to impress your friends. Well Connor was up around 9 AM with his swim suit and his swim shirt on as well. I told him that we were not leaving for another hour and I still needed to shower and get dressed, oh the world of being a kid. It was like a Christmas morning for him to be able to spend time in the pool. Nancy has a slide for the pool and Connor wanted to do that by him self this year so he was ready to get on the road for all of the excitement that would be in-store for him today. Did I mention yes that I am really sun burnt right now? Well that is really all we did today was spend the WHOLE day in the pool and I am nor REALLY sun burnt right now but I do have a goat of aloe on me but not helping currently. Anyway that is all I really have for today other then, well you know. Tomorrow it will depend on the weather but maybe a trip to The Bean in Millennium Park and hopefully by then the water that is in my ear will be gone. If you will please excuse me I need to lay down now and relax it was a very hard relaxing SUNNY day if you know what I mean.

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